Many people suffer from face, head, neck, shoulder and back pain, without knowing the cause. Most patients tend to survive on pain killers or keep making repetitive visits to their medical practitioners without any improvement in their condition. Very few even think of consulting a dentist.
With recent developments in diagnostic technologies, it has been found that uncured and painful ailments are actually symptoms of a problem with the patient’s bite (occlusion) and with the function of their jaw joint, otherwise known as their Temporomandibular joint (TMJ). With new knowledge and technology we are able to diagnose and treat TMJ problems that were previously overlooked.
This treatment can range from simple occlusion adjustment to multi specialization treatment approach including minor to major orthodontic intervention, replacement of missing teeth and facial physiotherapy.
Given that we have a team representing all the specialties within dentistry, we are able to provide you comprehensive treatment and get rid of the root cause of your pain under one single roof.
Dental Advice
- Keep an icecream stick or a similar object between your teeth for atleast 15 minutes. If you experience an improvement in pain, do visit a dentist and ask to get your occlusion tested.